Titling Indigenous Territories in Peru

Working with Government to scale up recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ land


From: 15/10/2017

To: 31/03/2020

Partners: Peruvian Environmental Law Society (SPDA)

Associates: Federations of indigenous communities in Loreto
Forest and Wildlife Service (SERFOR)
Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP)
Loreto Regional Government (GOREL)
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI)
Ministry of Culture (MINCUL)
Madre de Dios Regional Government (GOREMAD)
Native Federation of the River Madre de Dios and Tributaries (FENAMAD)

Stakeholders: Indigenous Peoples and local communities in Loreto and Madre de Dios

The Peruvian Environmental Law Society (SPDA) is working with two  national government ministries,  two  regional governments, and several federations of indigenous organizations to advance tenure security for Indigenous Peoples and local communities in Peru. Indigenous territories have insecure tenure throughout Peru and their territories and forests are threatened by overlapping rights, illegal mining and logging, and invasions. SPDA is supporting national and regional governments as they build their capacity to fulfil their obligations to title the territories of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. SPDA also aims to contribute to more effective and efficient implementation of ongoing donor-funded projects, valued at US$80 million, for collective titling of indigenous and local community territories nationwide. The initiative  scales up an innovative partnership among an Indigenous People’s federation, an NGO and a regional government piloted by the Tenure Facility.

To read a brief overview of Peru, click here

For a timeline of land and forest rights in Peru, click here

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