Staff, partners and consultants of the Tenure Facility will uphold the following standards throughout all phases of its operations:
Staff, partners and consultants of the Tenure Facility will uphold the following standards throughout all phases of its operations:
Standard 1: Environmental Sustainability
Environmental sustainability and ecosystem and biodiversity conservation and restoration are fundamental to the mission of The Tenure Facility. All projects will improve the institutional conditions for sustained environmental protection and/or restoration, and ensure respect for the resource management knowledge, traditions, systems, and values of Indigenous Peoples and local communities.
Standard 2: Gender Equality and Social Equity
The Tenure Facility is committed to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women, and to reduce social inequities in access to tenure and its benefits. The Tenure Facility will ensure that all projects advance, within culturally appropriate norms, the equal rights and protections of women, minorities and socially deprived peoples, particularly with regard to land rights and governance.
Standard 3: Human and Indigenous Peoples Rights
The Tenure Facility is committed to upholding the human rights of all and promoting human rights-based approaches to tenure security and economic development within the bounds of the supported projects. Full respect for the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities and their full participation in development of all projects in a culturally appropriate manner will be fundamental to the functioning of the Tenure Facility.
Standard 4: Conflict Sensitivity
The Tenure Facility will apply a conflict-sensitive project management standard to anticipate and mitigate risks of unintended negative effects associated with the conflict context in which they operate. The Tenure Facility will ensure that all projects seek to avoid contributing to factors or processes that may cause or exacerbate conflict, violence and insecurity: within and between communities, between communities and governments, and between communities and private sector actors.